Tired of Putting Dreams on Hold

Because of Money?

Let’s fix it.

You’d love to buck the system, quit your 9-5 job, and park yourself outside while you work toward financial freedom, but you can’t seem to get past step one: money.

How do these digital nomads make their unconventional lives work? 

If you have a vision of an Alt American Dream and are sick of making Pinterest boards, then let’s make progress.

I have a two-part offering that is going to help you.

First, I'm going to give you access to my financial freedom calculator so you’ll understand your numbers and have a tangible starting point. (Free)

Second, we’ll book a session to figure out your finances so you can live your Alt American Dream as soon as possible. (Paid)

About Laura Lynch

Laura holds a Master of Education (M. Ed.) degree and is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), Accredited Behavioral Financial Professional (ABFP™), Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®), and an Accredited Asset Management Specialist (AAMS®).

Why am I giving you something for free?

If you have a vision of an Alt American Dream and are
sick of making Pinterest boards, then let’s make progress.

How do you know you can trust me?

Well, because I walked away from multi-million dollar clients to live in a tiny home, and help people with unconventional lifestyles get financially savvy. If that’s not literally putting my money where my mouth is, I don’t know what is!

Now, I’m going to ask you to put your money where your mouth is. (That is if you’re actually ready to fix this.)

Let's work together to figure out money, so next time your family asks, you can tell them to stop rolling their eyes because you've officially taken action on your plans.

This offering is for
you IF: 

  • You don’t know your net worth (or how to calculate it!)

  • You don’t know what money move to make next.

  • You dream of a fabulous life built on your terms.

This offering is also for
you IF: 

  • You want to feel confident with money overall.

  • You’re seeking a permanent solution and not a one-time motivational boost.

  • You want to learn about money from a woman who shares your interest in breaking away from the norm.

So what do you think? 

Are you tired of starting sentences with “someday when I…”

If so, use the button below to get started. Knowledge is power, and your dream life is waiting!


Access the Financial Freedom Calculator!

Access the Financial Freedom Calculator!



© 2024 Alt American Dream, LLC. All rights reserved.

Other work by Laura

Practical tips and inspiring interviews about downsizing, boosting financial security, and increasing cash flow.

Financial Planning 🏠 with Tiny Living Values